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Divorce Can Be Less Painful

Divorce, or any family law legal case involves a lot of stress and uncertainty.

At Ascher & Denton, we help you see clearly and understand what the options are and what is going on. We work hard to help ease the emotional and financial strain of divorce so you can concentrate on the health and current/future well-being of your family.

We make sure to take your individual needs into account as we seek the best possible results for you regarding:

  • Child custody and visitation rights

  • Child support

  • Distribution of personal property, bank accounts, stocks and other assets

  • Division of marital debts

  • Sale or possession of the marital home

  • Spousal support and temporary support

  • and all other legal/life issues you encounter while we work for you

We are also family law mediators who encourage cooperation.


Mediation allows you and your spouse to negotiate a divorce settlement in a more amicable setting by working with a trained facilitator. The mediation process fosters cooperation between partners and produces less stress and hostility than is usually associated with litigation. Mediation often reduces the time and costs of divorce, and it puts the decisions in your hands. With the right attitude, the right tools, and experience, we can help you obtain the most equitable divorce settlement, fair child support decisions, and healthy child custody arrangement.

Family law litigators by your side

At Ascher & Denton, we really do work hard to resolve divorce and other family law issues outside of court. We are courteous and respectful to all parties throughout the process and encourage our clients to take this approach, too. However, sometimes litigation is necessary to resolve your family’s disputes. Having a strong litigator by your side can alleviate the arduous litigation process's uncertainty and stress and help you obtain the most favorable trial outcome. Our policy is to use intelligent and effective litigation/trial strategies to get the best result for you and your family throughout the litigation process.

Call us for a consultation.



or email us at


ascherdent@gmail. com

We are committed to delivering the best outcome

for you and your family with minimal pain and expense.

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