2401 Bristol Ct. SW, #A-101
Olympia, Washington 98502
We meet with you on Zoom.
It works great!
Mailing address & drop-off of payments or documents:
Ascher & Denton, PLLC
2401 Bristol Ct. SW
Building #A- Suite 101
Olympia, WA 98502
Heading 6
Directions To Our Office
We all work from home and use computers and phones to meet and communicate with you. We can set up Zoom meetings that you can access with your smartphone, tablet, or computer. We can also meet you by telephone, as we used to do with folks who were far away. Thurston County Family Court is five minutes from our office. We may see you in court or meet there in person if needed.
If you need to mail something to us or drop off money or documents when electronic means are unsuitable, that is still possible. Our mailing address is still the same. Our office is five minutes from Family Court.
We are right off the Crosby Blvd exit from Highway 101 before getting to the car dealerships. Turn onto Evergreen Park Drive and then turn right at the AM/PM gas station. We are in the third cul de sac on your left side. (Hwy 101 is zooming by on your right.) On the left side, at the end of the cul de sac, you can put papers in our white locked steel dropbox with our name right outside Suite A-101 - the first building on the left as you enter the business complex.
You can also reach the office from downtown Olympia by going up Courthouse Hill on the west side of Capitol Lake or from West Olympia off Cooper Point Drive past the auto mall.